Tuesday 18 December 2012

Come and get it!

The eBook of 'Fourth to the Right' is now available to buy on kindle for a promotional price of 99p!
Making it the perfect treat for Christmas travelers, 
as well as being a lovely opportunity for a sit down read as a family.

Don't dilly dally though, as the special price is only in place for the festive season!

For hard copies of the book email me direct at teddyadam79@gmail.com

Hope you all enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

All the best!


  1. I'm so looking forward to reading the full story.
    Kindle here I come!
    Thanks J.T. Adam.

  2. I've read the book!

    It's amazing, had me in tears... I love it :-)

    I'm recommending it to everyone I know, it truly is a magnificent read.

    Thanks J.T.!

    1. I'm so very glad that you have enjoyed the book.

      Please feel more than free to review both on Amazon and on here, the more people who do the more others will read.

      Thank you again. A writer is nothing without his readers.
